Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minor Project 8 - Option 1: The Backstory for a Maze Game

     You awaken inside a room.  You have no idea how you got there, or why you're even there in the first place.  You find a note that says you will be rewarded with one wish if you can make it out of the maze in front of you......ALIVE!  There are various traps set up all over the maze, as well as someone, or something, hunting you down.  The maze is pitch black, but you are supplied with a flashlight.  Initially you have 2 extra batteries, but you can find more scattered around the maze.  If you are injured due to the traps or the thing hunting you, you may be able to find a health pack or two to heal yourself.....if you're still alive that is!  Some doors in the maze require keys to unlock them, switches to be pressed, or puzzles to be solved.  You may try to escape the maze as fast as possible, and get your reward as well as your life, or you could try and hunt for the various clues the previous captives of this maze have left behind, and find out the secret behind your mysterious captor and his motives.  Can you survive the maze?


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