Thursday, November 15, 2012

Minor Project 10 - Option 1: MAZE GAME PITCH

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You just barely make it out of the burning plane alive, and have no knowledge of where you are. Your main priority is to first find a suitable resting place where you can heal your wounds in order to escape the forest altogether. Time is of the essence, however, as your injuries are serious, and stalling is asking for trouble. Make it to the area of refuge while you’re still breathing in order to properly rest, in hopes that you’ll be able to catch your bearings later.

Why are we making this game?

This game is meant to combine the challenges of a labyrinth type game, with various pressures of enemies to overcome and time restrictions to meet. Players don’t have much time to think of the choices they make, so it is important for them to stay on their toes while they attempt to make it through the various levels.

Walk through:

After the plane crash, the main character must navigate his or her way through the forest in order to make it to a safe haven. The location of the safe haven is unknown to the player, so it must be found. There is a time limit to meet that represents the struggles of the injured character. After the refuge is found, the player must fend off multiple animals and other threats in the forest that make escaping altogether a difficult job.

Similar games:

Inspired by the storyline of the TV series “Lost”
Other inspiration: Final Fantasy

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