Thursday, November 29, 2012

Minor Project 11 - Option 3: Magic Card Design

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    Above are my two layout designs for a new Magic card. I felt the attack/block is a pretty important part of the card, so I wanted to give it a bigger focus on the design layout, as opposed to the original design having it shoved off to the bottom right.
    I haven't drawn the art yet, but I was thinking something along the lines of an inventor who has created a steampunk-type robotic suit that he uses to fight with.  Abilities would be based around steam and water, since that is what the suit runs on.  Something like being able to shoot out boiling hot bursts of water at such a speed, it acts as a projectile.

    Since it is powered by steam, it would be affiliated with the water element so the card would be blue.  It would cost 2 blue mana and 1 mana of any color to summon it, and its attack/block is 4/5.
    It would be a creature card of the Human type, and it would be a fairly uncommon card. Its ability would be able to maybe stun or kill an opposing creature at the cost of blue mana.

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