Thursday, November 29, 2012

Minor Project 11 - Option 3: Magic Card Design

Click to enlarge

    Above are my two layout designs for a new Magic card. I felt the attack/block is a pretty important part of the card, so I wanted to give it a bigger focus on the design layout, as opposed to the original design having it shoved off to the bottom right.
    I haven't drawn the art yet, but I was thinking something along the lines of an inventor who has created a steampunk-type robotic suit that he uses to fight with.  Abilities would be based around steam and water, since that is what the suit runs on.  Something like being able to shoot out boiling hot bursts of water at such a speed, it acts as a projectile.

    Since it is powered by steam, it would be affiliated with the water element so the card would be blue.  It would cost 2 blue mana and 1 mana of any color to summon it, and its attack/block is 4/5.
    It would be a creature card of the Human type, and it would be a fairly uncommon card. Its ability would be able to maybe stun or kill an opposing creature at the cost of blue mana.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Minor Project 11 - Option 2: Background Research for designing a new Magic Card

Garruk, Primal Hunter                           Crusader of Odric

I chose these two cards because I have an affinity for human warriors/fighters in fantasy settings.  I just like that despite the fact that all of these powerful, mystical creatures exist, humans still find a way to fight back and survive.  It's also a small detail, but I like the fact that the helmet on Garruk comes out of the picture frame a little bit. almost like he's coming out of the card.

Card Name - Garruk, Primal Hunter

Mana Cost - Three Forest plus two of any other type

Type of Card - Planeswalker, Garruk

Planeswalker - Starts off with 3, +1 for 3/3 green Beast creature tokens, -3 for drawing cards equal to the greatest power among creatures you control, -6 for putting a 6/6 green Wurm token onto the battlefield for each land you control

Describe Card Art - A muscular human warrior in a dense forest setting, wearing gauntlets, a helmet, and what looks like a loincloth. He is also wielding what looks like a battle axe.

Indicate the Edition/Rarity - Mythic Rarity 2012

Card Artist name - D. Alexander Gregory

Minor Project 11 - Option 1: Where To From Here?

I think I want to steer my portfolio towards more on the path of Game Designer.  As I move along in my GDD major, I think it would be fun and helpful to have a place to store various game concepts, ideas, etc. I have for use later in my potential career.

Examples of Things That Would Be in a Game Designer's Portfolio


Level Designs

Gameplay Concepts

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Minor Project 10 - Option 3: VIRTUAL PEOPLE

Minor Project 10 - Option 1: MAZE GAME PITCH

Click to enlarge


You just barely make it out of the burning plane alive, and have no knowledge of where you are. Your main priority is to first find a suitable resting place where you can heal your wounds in order to escape the forest altogether. Time is of the essence, however, as your injuries are serious, and stalling is asking for trouble. Make it to the area of refuge while you’re still breathing in order to properly rest, in hopes that you’ll be able to catch your bearings later.

Why are we making this game?

This game is meant to combine the challenges of a labyrinth type game, with various pressures of enemies to overcome and time restrictions to meet. Players don’t have much time to think of the choices they make, so it is important for them to stay on their toes while they attempt to make it through the various levels.

Walk through:

After the plane crash, the main character must navigate his or her way through the forest in order to make it to a safe haven. The location of the safe haven is unknown to the player, so it must be found. There is a time limit to meet that represents the struggles of the injured character. After the refuge is found, the player must fend off multiple animals and other threats in the forest that make escaping altogether a difficult job.

Similar games:

Inspired by the storyline of the TV series “Lost”
Other inspiration: Final Fantasy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Minor Project 8 - Option 4: Visualizing in 3D

Here is a mockup of the first level of my maze using basic Maya polygons.  Easy, medium, and hard variations of my level alter the placement of items, obstacles, and monsters, not the level itself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minor Project 8 - Option 2: The Maze Game Mechanic

Players will have to traverse the maze and make it out alive.  Points are awarded for traps successfully evaded, puzzles solved, doors unlocked, and encounters with the creature successfully avoided.  Players may earn bonus points for acquiring the hidden documents and clues left around by previous maze-captives.  The player loses points at the end of the game, whether or not they succeed, based on damage taken, health packs used, and puzzles failed.

When the player wins or loses, points earned and lost are tallied up and the player is given a total score.

Minor Project 8 - Option 1: The Backstory for a Maze Game

     You awaken inside a room.  You have no idea how you got there, or why you're even there in the first place.  You find a note that says you will be rewarded with one wish if you can make it out of the maze in front of you......ALIVE!  There are various traps set up all over the maze, as well as someone, or something, hunting you down.  The maze is pitch black, but you are supplied with a flashlight.  Initially you have 2 extra batteries, but you can find more scattered around the maze.  If you are injured due to the traps or the thing hunting you, you may be able to find a health pack or two to heal yourself.....if you're still alive that is!  Some doors in the maze require keys to unlock them, switches to be pressed, or puzzles to be solved.  You may try to escape the maze as fast as possible, and get your reward as well as your life, or you could try and hunt for the various clues the previous captives of this maze have left behind, and find out the secret behind your mysterious captor and his motives.  Can you survive the maze?