Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Option 1: Making a Pitch for New & Improved Games!


An Overview:

This is a board game I designed (still in very, very, very early pre-beta alpha omega class 0 stage……It’s not completely ready yet…..) which incorporates classic board game elements like dice and moving spaces around a board, with role playing elements like random monster battles and items.

Why are we making this game?:

I’ve always admired role-playing games, and felt it could easily work as a board game with enough tweaking.  If you combine the complexity of an RPG with the simplicity of a board game, I feel you can get something fun and entertaining for all ages!

Walk us through the game!:

(Rules are still being developed, may be changed)

Up to 4 players must traverse the game board, battling monsters and making their way to the bosses in order to collect 4 crystals.  Once those crystals are collected, the player may then attempt to reach the lair of, and challenge the final boss.  Once this is accomplished, the player wins!  Players are able to earn coins from defeating monsters, or each other, and use them to buy a variety of items such as extra dice, weaponry, fast-travel, etc.

Similar Games:

RPG’s: Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Quest, Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
Board Games: Candy Land, Sorry, etc.

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