Monday, September 3, 2012

Rock, Paper, Scissors Rules

Rock, Paper Scissors

Players: 2
How to Win: Deliver the hand signal that beats the other player’s hand signal. Usually best two out of three.

          To start, both players make a fist with one of their hands, placing it on the other hand which should be flat.


 Next, both players say “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!”, shaking their fists on “Rock, Paper, Scissors”, and making one of three hand signals on “Shoot!”.
The three hand signals are as follows:

Scissors beats paper, paper beats rock, and rock beats scissors.

Hand signals must be clear and recognizable.  Once one player wins two rounds, the game is over.  However, you can continue as many times as you want if you really like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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